Jorge Gonzàlez (IRT SystemX), René Doursat (Complex Systems Institute, Paris Ile-de-France), Arnaud Banos (Géographie-cités)


An agent-based model of a single bus line is designed to assess quality of service in terms of regularity and occupancy. Agents represent buses moving on a linear network of stops, where passengers (summarized by counts) get on and off. Three performance-loss factors are considered: distances between stops, drivers’ behavior, and influx of users along the
line. We show that service regularity is less impacted by section lengths and bus speeds than by demand. Two solutions are tried: increasing the number of buses through a higher departure frequency, and improving the exchange of passengers with all-door boarding instead of the usual one-door scheme. These solutions are self-driven since no central supervision is required. We defined a measure of regularity based on the distribution of “headways” (time intervals) betwen buses. According to our model, higher frequencies do not improve regularity, whereas all-door boarding does for large numbers of incoming passengers. We describe a case study based on real data collected from a “feeder” service of the Parisian regional train network. It is highly unbalanced, as it serves opposite commuting directions during the morning and evening peaks, making it an especially  interesting example.


Public transportation network / Reliability / Agent-based modeling


Proceedings of ICCSA 2014, Le Havre, France – June 23-26, 2014

Projet IRT

Projet MIC


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