IRT SystemX is organizing a workshop entitled « Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence » at MODELSWARD the 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering, from February 21 to 23, in Rome.

AI-empowered MBSE (Model-based System Engineering) » is increasingly advocated as a promising approach to overcome MBSE challenges and to promote high-quality systems. At the same time, recent research projects such as the program « »  advocate an MBSE-empowered AI as a way to build trustworthy AI systems. This workshop will be the opportunity to discuss how to choose, apply, evaluate and adapt AI techniques to support MBSE and how to adopt an MBSE approach to produce high-quality and reliable AI systems. Thus, “AI for MBSE” and “MBSE for AI” are both in the scope of the proposed workshop.

Interested in submitting a publication? The deadline is January 2, 2024!

>> More information here <<

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