Renaud Vilmart (Inria) animera un Seminar@SystemX sur le thème « Why we care about quantum computing, and how we deal with it? », le 4 juillet 2024, de 14h à 15h.

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Résumé (en anglais)

In this seminar, we will review the basic notions of quantum computing to get us started on the subject. We will then try to understand the recent appeal for the matter by discussing important quantum alorithms with real life applications, and finally present ways to formally reason about computations using quantum mechanics, a field often described as rather counterintuitive.

Biographie (en anglais)

Renaud Vilmart (PhD from U. Lorraine 2019) is an ISFP researcher at Inria, in the team QuaCS (Quantum Computation Structures) at the Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles. His work focusses on formal methods for quantum computing, most prominently on graphical languages.
He now manages the national CNRS structure GT-IQ (Groupe de Travail Informatique Quantique, part of the GdR-IFM) and is involved in the national PEPR project EPIQ, the national quantum plan HQI, the ANR project TaQC, the i-Demo project Aero-Qat, and the european project HPCQS.


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