Miguel Anjos (Professor and Chair of Operational Research in the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh) a animé un Seminar@SystemX en webinaire sur le thème « Semidefinite Optimization Approaches for Reactive Optimal Power Flow Problems », le 28 septembre 2022 de 14h00 à 15h30.
Résumé :
The Reactive Optimal Power Flow (ROPF) problem consists in computing an optimal power generation dispatch for an alternating current transmission network that respects power flow equations and operational constraints. Some means of voltage control are modelled in ROPF such as the possible activation of shunts, and these controls are modelled using discrete variables. The ROPF problem is thus a nonconvex mixed integer optimization problem. We present recent research work on ROPF, in collaboration with Hydro-Quebec and RTE, that considers semidefinite optimization approaches for solving ROPF and their integration into a branch-and-bound algorithm. We present results on benchmark instances and we show that this method can frequently attain global optimality. On instances not solved to optimality, we are able to find better solutions than the known rounding algorithms in the literature.
Biographie :
Miguel F. Anjos holds the Chair of Operational Research at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh. His research interests are in the theory, algorithms and applications of mathematical optimization. He has had research collaborations with EDF, ExPretio, Hydro-Quebec, IRT SystemX, National Grid ESO, Rio Tinto, and Schneider Electric. He is the Founding Academic Director of the Trottier Institute for Energy at Polytechnique Montreal, President of the INFORMS Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment, and INFORMS Vice-President for International Activities. His allocades include a Canada Research Chair, the NSERC-Hydro-Quebec-Schneider Electric Industrial Research Chair, a Humboldt Research Fellowship, the title of EUROPT Fellow, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.