Maria Vakalopoulou (Assistant Professor at CentraleSupélec, University of Paris-Saclay) a animé un Seminar@SystemX en webinaire sur le thème « Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology », le 13 octobre 2022 de 14h00 à 15h30.
Résumé :
Artificial intelligence is a game changer for variety of domains including also healthcare. Indeed, recent data driven methods gather a lot of attention from the medical community since they boost the performance of computational methods for variety of tasks. Among the different medical modalities, digital pathology is the golden standard for cancer screening and diagnosis. Novel and robust computational methods for digital pathology could make a huge impact into the clinical routine, facilitating the clinical process. This talk presents an overview and recent techniques for digital pathology. First, the main challenges as well as the current state-of-the-art on digital pathology will be discussed. Moreover, recent state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods for classification and segmentation problems are presented, shedding light into the use of novel techniques for the processing of these medical modalities.
Biographie :
Maria Vakalopoulou is an Assistant Professor at MICS laboratory of CentraleSupelec, University Paris-Saclay, Paris, France and affiliated with Inria Saclay. She is also the team lead of the βiomathematics group of MICS laboratory, a research group focusing on mathematical models for medical data. Her research is focusing on machine and deep learning with applications on health care and in particular medical image analysis. She is currently working on the topics of medical image registration, classification and segmentation for medical images of different scales (histopathology, CT, MRI) in close collaboration with clinicians towards development of robust algorithms for prognosis, diagnosis and disease modeling focusing on breast and lung cancer as well as different interstitial lung diseases. Her research has been published in international journals and conferences (Lancet Oncology, Radiology, European Radiology, Medical Image Analysis, MICCAI). Moreover, she has served as a reviewer and an area chair for top conference on her field (CVPR, MIDL, MICCAI) and as a guest editor in the CVIU journal of Elsevier.