George Iosifidis (Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology) a animé un Seminar@SystemX en webinaire sur le thème « Network Resource Management for Edge Analytic Services », le 20 janvier 2022 de 14h à 15h30.
Résumé :
Supporting edge analytic services, such as IoT diagnostics and mobile video processing, is one of the most exciting promises of future wireless networks. These services involve the collection and processing of voluminous data streams, right at the network edge, so as to offer real-time and accurate inferences to different types of users. However, edge analytics create previously-unseen resource management challenges for wireless networks. In this talk we will first discuss (some of) the key bottleneck issues that hamper the efficient deployment of these services by using extensive experimental findings. We will then present a network resource management framework that is tailored for edge analytics, and will demonstrate its robustness and efficacy by applying it to representative use-cases. We will conclude with open questions and possible future research directions.
Biographie :
George Iosifidis received the Diploma degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering from the Greek Air Force Academy (2000) and the Ph.D. degree from University of Thessaly (Greece, 2012). He was a Post-Doctoral researcher with CERTH (Greece, 2012-14), Yale University (USA, 2014-2016) and an Assistant Professor with Trinity College Dublin (2016-2020). He is currently an Assistant Professor with Delft University of Technology. His research interests lie in the broad area of network optimization and economics, with a recent focus on edge computing, data caching systems, and sharing-economy platforms. More information: