Resume Biography Registration Alessandro Leite (Inria Saclay – LISN, Paris-Saclay University) will run a Seminar@SystemX on the topic “Causal Knowledge Discovery through Large Language Models: Challenges and Opportunities”, on October 10, 2024, from...
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Resume Biography Replay Pierre Colombo (CentraleSupélec – ran a Seminar@SystemX on the topic “Advancing Domain-Specific Large Language Models”, on September 19, 2024. Resume Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language...
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Abstract Biography Replay Ludovic Apvrille (Télécom Paris) ran a Seminar@SystemX on the topic “Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles assistée par les Large Langage Models (LLM)”, on June 20, 2024. Abstract: Les cycles de développement des systèmes embarqués...
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Abstract Biography Registration Vincent Chapurlat (IMT Mines d’Alès) will run a Seminar@SystemX, on the following topic: La résilience, une propriété non-fonctionnelle essentielle des Infrastructures Critiques, on May 22, 2024, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. >>...
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Resume Biography Replay Francis Bach (Inria) ran a Seminar@SystemX, organized in collaboration with the program, on the following topic: “Gestion efficace de l’incertitude par inférence variationnelle”, on June 5, 2024, from 11:00am to...
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