SystemX maintains and enriches reference technological platforms on which the teams of the Institute’s integrate the scientific and technological components developed in the projects. These platforms accelerate the development and implementation of research activity valuation prototypes, with a view to reuse and disseminate results.

What is a platform?

The institute’s R & D projects produce digital assets (such as methodologies, data corpora, algorithms, software, proof-of-concept functional demonstrators), all of which are elements that must be perpetuated, valued and capitalized in order to ensure quality technological transfers and controlled reuse.
These assets are integrated and deployed as operational demonstrators within the projects. Some give birth to a technological platform when there is a potential for reuse. The platforms then become a real support of maturation which is being enriched continuously as the projects unfold.


Our technological platform

Data Science, AI & Interaction

Platform for enhancing the quality of datasets and their use in learning models.
Find out more.

Tool for assessing the accuracy of hybrid (data-physics) models for industrial systems.
Find out more.

Cockpit Studio Lab
Platform for evaluating multimodal Human-Machine interactions in the context of autonomous driving.
Find out more.

Scientific computing and optimization

Topology optimization platform using level set methods.
Find out more.

Digital twin demonstrator for mobility and logistics based on a multi-agent simulator.
Find out more.

Systems Engineering and Safety

Platform for evaluating autonomous systems.
Find out more.


Cybersecurity and networks

CHESS4Industries and CHESS4Automotive
Cyber platforms for industry and automotive.

Fine-grained data sharing platform with end-to-end confidentiality, designed for collaboration between multiple entities.

Seminar@SystemX with Raphaël Frank

Seminar@SystemX with Raphaël Frank

Resume Biographye Registration Raphaël Frank (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), Université du ... Read more

Seminar@SystemX with Zied Bouraoui

Seminar@SystemX with Zied Bouraoui

Résumé Biographie Inscription Zied Bouraoui (University of Artois - CRIL, CNRS) will run a Seminar@SystemX on the topic "Learning ... Read more


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