The SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Day event will take place on November 22 at Ingetis Paris on the topic of IDNs (Intelligence Defined Network).

In recent years, the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm has become a predominant trend in new telecommunication network architectures. The SDN can be defined as an architecture that decouples the control plane and the data plane of the network to provide the ability to program the network, facilitate its management and optimize its performance. Thus, a logically-centralized architecture and programmable elements have provided the necessary conditions for the implementation of a high-level automatic control and management. Nevertheless, the diversification of services, the constant increase in the number of connected equipments as well as the growth of the mass of data generated require rethinking the management of the network. One promising area of research involves introducing smarter elements into the network to automate data analysis and optimize the resources used. In this context, the IDNs (Intelligence Defined Networks) approaches are presented as an evolution of the SDN. They incorporate a cognitive layer above the control layer and thus allows artificial/ automated intelligence to be introduced naturally into the management of the network.


If you wish to contribute to this scientific event, two formats are possible: either an oral presentation or a poster. In both cases, you must submit an abstract (in pdf) on one page  maximum containing: the title, the authors (specifying the affiliations as well as the name of the speaker), the summary of the proposal (ideally with some references) and the format you are considering (oral presentation or poster).

Your contributions can be in French or English, and can cover preliminary or advanced research results (thesis in progress, results of R & D projects, etc.).

Contributions must be sent no later than October 8, 2018.

Organizing committee

  • Abdelhamid Mellouk (UPEC/LISSI-TincNet)
  • Sami Souihi (UPEC/LISSI-TincNet)
  • Jérôme François (Inria Nancy)
  • Fabrice Guillemin (Orange Labs)
  • Makhlouf Hadji (IRT SystemX)
  • Jérémie Leguay (Huawei France)
  • Vincent Lemaire (Orange Labs)

Event partners



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