The Cybelia programme answers the resilience needs of industry to face the intensification and sophistication of cyber-attacks. Jointly developed with a dozen of industrial players, the programme aims to develop augmented cybersecurity solutions for the industry, in order to reinforce French sovereignty and innovation in this field.
The ambition of the programme is to jointly build innovative solutions and methods that will build into industrial systems, all the while considering their operational and business constraints (robustness, embeddability, scalability, performance, etc.). These components will be tested and validated on the CHESS platform, dedicated to the evaluation of complex cyber-physical infrastructures implemented by SystemX. Once the proof-of-concept has been validated, the components will be embedded in partner industrial systems in the programme.
As well as taking full advantage of the results of each partner, Cybelia will capitalise on the results obtained by establishing a common asset, open to the national or even European cyber ecosystem, in order to set ground for future developments.
Answering industry needs through three use cases
#1 Augmented cyber operators
Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), increase the capabilities of operators who may be faced with a cybersecurity incident.
- Help the cyber operators of a Security Operations Centre (SOC) in their tasks, thanks to advanced data processing and analysis, anomaly detection and recommendations for contextualised decision-making.
- Enable business operators (in charge of electricity grids, transport networks, IT systems, etc.) to manage a cybersecurity incident without calling on qualified cyber engineers.
- Foster collaboration between these two types of operators who often work in silos, to enable the correlation between business events and cyber events and improve the management of cybersecurity incidents.
Partners involved:
#2 Automating decision-making for autonomous embedded systems
Embedded autonomous systems (drones, cars, trains, defense systems, etc.) with unsecured connectivity (absent or intermittent) can make human intervention impossible. The programme aims to equip these systems with trustworthy and embeddable cyber-defence capabilities in line with constraints of frugality. Thanks to embedded AI, the systems will be able to process all available information, detect anomalies and make safe decisions independently to manage cybersecurity incidents.
Start: 2025 – partner consortium under constitution.
#3 Secure collaboration
Cybelia addresses the trust, standardisation and safety of shared information between an industrials and their chains of suppliers and subcontractors, their clients, as well as their subsidiaries, the latter being particularly exposed to cyber-security risks. It aims to develop a secure system dedicated to information sharing, with fine-grained access management.
Start: 2025 – partner consortium under constitution.
« Cybelia is an emblematic founding programme for the industry as it answers common issues expressed by many French players from a variety of fields. It aims to draw on the strength of AI to offer cyber-augmented solutions. Based on an agile and scalable methodology, the ambition of the programme is, over time, to provide industrials with efficient solutions to manage the cyber crises of tomorrow and increase their resilience”, Gilles Desoblin, Coordinator of the Cybelia programme.
Join us!Cybelia is calling on industrials and more broadly on the players of the cyber community who would like to contribute to lifting the scientific and technology barriers associated with the ambitions of the programme, but also provide new use cases. SMEs and start-ups offering innovative technologies will also be invited to join the programme through several calls for interest, from 2025 onwards. For more information, contact us: |
Cybelia is defined with the framework of France 2030, in association with the French national strategy for the acceleration of cybersecurity, the ANSSI, the Cyber campus and the French Security Industry Sector Committee, Comité́ Stratégique de Filière des Industries de la Sécurité – CoFIS. By federating the French industrial ecosystem around common cyber challenges, Cybelia is in keeping with the PEPR (Programme and priority research equipment for cybersecurity) and the PTCC (Cyber Campus Transfer Programme), respectively focused on the challenges related to fundamental cybersecurity research and the transfer of skills and technologies.
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