Project description
Generating real and synthetic scenarios for the development, training, virtual testing and validation of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility systems (CCAM)
Launched in June 2024 for 3 years, the SYNERGIES project brings together around thirty European industrial and academic partners. The aim of the project is to design a European platform to enhance the development, virtual testing and validation of automated driving systems. It addresses the key challenges of the CCAM (cooperative, connected and Automated Mobility) community, such as: the lack of databases of interoperable scenarios, long and costly development cycles, the absence of consensus on the standards to be used, and the implementation of emerging regulations.
The SYNERGIES platform will include a dataspace of scenarios, aligned on the European approach for data sharing and competitiveness, and a market place enabling access to tools and data. This platform will ensure continuous updates and the scalability of the accessible data space. The project will extend the range of relevant scenarios by providing a new set of scenarios covering rural and urban environments to enable the description of complex situations, the development of data processing tools from generative AI for the extraction of scenarios, and the establishment of a market to simplify accessibility to all tools for the generation of future scenarios.
IRT SystemX will contribute to defining platform requirements, establishing consistency and interoperability between different databases and different activities led throughout the project, as well as establishing a generic methodological approach for the generation of scenarios, namely by using new AI-based techniques. The institute will also lead the work dedicated to the generation of synthetic scenarios from complex simulations, as well as studies on the representativeness and the completeness of data used for the validation of automated driving systems.
The SYNERGIES project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Grant agreement n°101146542).
- Provide scenarios widely available to all stakeholders of the value chain via a dataspace of scenarios by federating existing and newly-developed scenario databases;
- Maximize the usability and coverage of provided scenarios to ensure the implementation of scenario-based validation;
- Enable the use of heterogeneous and inclusive data sources for scenario generation;
- Achieve acceptation and scalability of proposed solution thanks to a transparent, holistic and interoperable approach with main former European projects (HEADSTART, SUNRISE, L3Pilot and Hi-Drive) and existing scenario database initiatives;
- Establish a solid AI base for CCAM which includes AI methods such as automated learning and generative AI for the generation and enhancement of data and scenarios.
Implemented skills
- Data science and AI
- Systems Engineering
- Operational Safety
Targeted markets
Markets connected to CCAM mobility: original equipment manufacturers (OEM); legislators; hardware and software providers, etc.