Project description

A national framework for rolling out marketable autonomous mobility services by 2022.

The project was launched in June 2019 for an initial period of 3 years and is driven by the PFA (Automotive Platform). The SAM project is a national project for large-scale experiments in autonomous driving and mobility on open roads. The two-fold challenge is:

  • to develop the use and knowledge of these systems by citizens and local stakeholders
  • to build the future regulatory framework, especially in terms of security validation by 2022.

The project is rooted in a common methodological approach and has three target application areas: individual mobility, shared or collective mobility and logistics.

In 2021, the project was extended by 18 months (until the end of 2023).

IRT SystemX is piloting lot 2 “Security demonstration methodology”.

Expected results

Draw up a common good, as defined by a set of knowledge,  including pooling and sharing with public authorities, that contributes to the development of public policies and the establishment of a state of the art, namely in terms of safety, impacts and acceptability.


Data science and AI
Systems engineering and software design
Safety of critical systems,
Scientific computation


Targeted markets

This common good is built around a common and shared methodological approach and experiments with autonomous vehicles on open roads in three targeted application areas: autonomous passenger vehicles, autonomous public and shared transport systems, and autonomous freight transport systems.

Badge Mobility and autonomous transport
Mobility and autonomous transport
Project Status:État du projet : Completed
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
Alstom Cofiroute EasyMile Keolis Stellantis Groupe RATP Groupe Renault SNCF Transdev TwinswHeel Valeo UTAC.
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
Cerema IFP Energies Nouvelles Le LAB ENPC/LVMT IRT SystemX VEDECOM
Project Manager(s)Cheffe(s) de projet
Sana Tmar

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