Project description

Resilience-centric smart, green, networked EU Inland waterways.

ReNEW is a 3-year project funded by Horizon Europe that supports the transition of Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) to smart, green, sustainable & climate-resilient sectors.
24 ReNEW partners from 11 countries will also play a key role in promoting economic growth and minimising the negative impact on the environment and significant lasting degradation of ecosystems.
As climate change severely affects the performance of IWT operations, the priority is to create and test new solutions for climate-neutral and climate-resilient IWT.
To address these challenges, ReNEW will capitalise on cooperation opportunities with ongoing projects and initiatives and will deliver:

  • An interdisciplinary IWT Resilience and Sustainability decision-support framework
  • Targeted innovative infrastructure resilience and sustainability solutions
  • A Green Resilient IWT Dataspace and generic Digital Twin
  • Four Living Labs, including Ghent and Douro waterways

SystemX conducts the methodology for EU-resilient and sustainable IWT infrastructure system and supports its application within the project including data space, digital twin and Living Labs.

RENEW project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program (Grant agreement: 101069682).

Expected results

  • Help sustain IWT network capacities in inland waterways at levels not falling below 50% by improving navigability conditions and advancing resilience.

  • Enhance land/sea/infrastructure resilience to extreme weather and human-caused events while aiming to maintain network capacities to 80% levels during disruptions.

  • Contribute to the sustainability of the IWT systems network, promoting modal shift and supporting the EU goals for a 20% increase for inland waterways.

  • Ensure resilience and smooth functioning of passenger mobility as well as freight transport and logistics networks operating on these infrastructures.

  • Increase the use of recycled materials within or across transport modes by at least 30% in the Ghent Living Lab.

  • Reduce environmental impact during construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure in line with the EU environmental legislation.

Implemented skills

Data Science and IA
System engineering

Targeted markets

  • Environment 

  • Logictics 

Badge Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentBadge European project
Environment and Sustainable Development
European project
Project Status:État du projet : Launched
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
4 Shipping Akkodis Inlecom ITAINNOVA Konnecta Magellan PANTEIA RDS Seafar Vltn Zulu
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
Université de Budapest Université de Galati
Institutional Partner(s)Partenaire(s) institutionnel(s)
European IWR Platform IMEC ISL SINTEF
Project Manager(s)Cheffe(s) de projet
Gwenaëlle Berthier

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