
Optimizing multimodal mobility.

The MIC project, focusing on multimodal transportation, has been launched in May 2013 with the aim of optimizing multimodal mobility by finding the right balance in terms of transport time, cost, energy consumption and access to transport.



MIC publications

Article Forecasting Passenger Loads in Transportation Networks

Simon Theissing

Stratégies du voyageur : analyse croisée d’entretiens semi-directifs

Sonia Adelé

JADT 2016

Understanding and modelling the passengers' behaviour in disturbed multimodal transport system

Sonia Adelé

ICTTP 2016

Modeling the multimodal mass transit system and its passengers

Simon Theissing


Predicting traffic load in public transportation networks

Simon Theissing

Acc. 2016

Decoupling Passenger Flows for Improved Load Prediction

Simon Theissing

Quest 2016

Advanced Modeling Approach for Computing multicriteria Shortest Paths in Multimodal Transportation Networks

Omar Dib

ICITE 2016

A multimodal transport network model and efficient algorithms for building advanced traveler information systems

Omar Dib

EWGT 2016

A Genetic Algorithm for solving the multicriteria routing problem in public transit networks

Omar Dib

META 2016

Reactive dynamic assignment for a bi-dimensional traffic flow model

Kwami Sossoe

ICSS 2016

A Hybrid Metaheuristic for Solving the One-to-one Shortest Path Problem

Omar DIB, Alexandre CAMINADA, Marie-Ange MANIER

The 11th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2015) will be held in Agadir, Morocco, from the 7 to 10th June 2015

A Hybrid-Dynamical Model for Passenger-flow in Transportation Systems?

Simon Theissing, Stefan Haar

ADHS 2015

An Approximative Method for Routing in Road Networks

O. Dib, A. Caminada , M-A. Manier

2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dynamic Model for Assignment in ”Sky-car” Transit System – Spatial Interactions with other Common Transport Modes

Kwami S. Sossoe and Jean-Patrick Lebacque

The 2015 Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow

Memetic algorithm for computing one-to-one shortest path in multimodal transportation networks

Omar Dib, Alexandre Caminada, Marie-Ange Manier

18th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015)

Memetic algorithm for solving one-to-one shortest path problem

O. Dib, A. Caminada , M-A. Manier

18th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015)

Memetic algorithm for solving one-to-one shortest path problem

O. Dib, A. Caminada , M-A. Manier

16ème conférence ROADEF Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, 2015

Optimisation d’un système d’autopartage avec contraintes de relocalisation de véhicules

Aurélien Carlier, Alix Munier-Kordon, Witold Klaudel

16ème conférence ROADEF Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, 2015

Traffic flow within a two-dimensional continuum anisotropic network

K. Sossoe, J-P. Lebacque

18th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015)

Vehicle relocation strategies for the dimensioning of a one-way carsharing system

A. Carlier, A. Munier-Kordon, W. Klaudel

18th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015)

A brief description of carsharing integration within amultimodal transport system

A. Carlier, F. Tschirhart, F. Da Silva, F. Stephan, O. Thoni, A. Munier-Kordon, M. Abid, L. Scremin, L. Couturier

A multiclass vehicular dynamic traffic flow model for main roads and dedicated lanes/roads of multimodal transport network

K.S. Sossoe, J-P. Lebacque

Optimization of a one-way carsharing system with relocation operations

A. Carlier, A. Munier Kordon, W. Klaudel

Service Regularity Loss in High-Frequency Feeder Bus Lines: Causes and Self-Driven Remedies

Gonzàlez, R. Doursat, A. Banos

Project timeline

Badge Mobility and autonomous transport
Mobility and autonomous transport
Project Status:État du projet : Completed
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
Alstom Transport Artelys Cosmo Tech IDIT Renault SNCF
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
CEA IFSTTAR Institut Mines Télécom Inria IRT SystemX Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Project Manager(s)Chef(s) de projet
Lionel Scremin

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