Anthropolis Chair (HCM – Human Centered Mobility)
Description of the Anthropolis Chair
Construct a vision of future mobility integrating the challenges of urban life.
The Anthropolis chair initiated the pursuit of its research efforts around the challenges of tomorrow’s urban mobility in October 2019. It is jointly operated by IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec for a period of four years. In this new phase, the chair will build a vision of future mobility integrating the challenges of urban life (for example logistics, food, waste management, etc). It will involve identifying, testing and validating fundamental methods and tools that will allow to take into account the needs of the citizen-user of the city and the community in the design processes of mobility systems and services. The chair will explore three complementary themes: future mobility and urban life, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and infrastructures of the future. The approaches that will be developed will be based on the need to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050 and to improve air quality in large cities, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Thus, the chair will project its vision to horizons up to 2030, 2040 and 2050.
Expected results
- Develop a prospective vision of the mobility of the future, with the aim of developing scenarios for the 2030, 2040 and 2050 horizons.
- Propose new forms of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) that will integrate new technologies (vehicle, information and communication) according to the degree of centralization or decentralization of these services
- Develop a design / planning methodology for the various mobility infrastructure networks such that it could be reproducible in various territories and takes into account technological, organizational and social factors.
Use and interaction | |
Optimisation |
Markets targeted
- Mobility of people and goods
PhD topics within the framework of the project
- Simulations multi-agent de systèmes de mobilité à la demande intermodaux opérés par des algorithmes à base d’apprentissage par renforcement, Tarek chouaki
- Sustainable urban mobility of Paris and Cairo: a scenario-based support tool for design processes under uncertainty, Tjark Gall
- Pedestrian Mobility in MaaS: Action mechanisms (levers) to enhance walking for Sustainable MaaS from a MaaS ecosystems’ governance perspective, Mariana Reyes
- Algorithmes heuristiques et exacts pour résoudre le problème du dial-a-ride avec les véhicules électriques autonomes, Yue Su
- Méthode d’éco-conception d’un système de mobilité électrique couplant le véhicule, les infrastructures et les usages sur un territoire, Julien Baltazar