Project description

To facilitate the establishment of agile processes in the design of complex systems based on digital simulation.

In recent years, digital simulation has become an indispensable tool in the design of complex systems. However, the necessary consideration of several disciplines and stakeholders in the simulations have given rise to heterogeneous processes of increasing complexities. Consequently, the solutions to be expected for the industry of the future must allow for more speed, traceability and automatism in the execution. In addition, the decisions of the system architect must ensure a certain level of robustness by taking into account uncertainties that are both intrinsic to the system and of an environmental nature. This represents a major challenge of a mathematical and algorithmic order.

Launched in April 2017 for a period of four years, the AMC project aims to equip system architects with methods and tools for better margin management during Stimulation-Based Design. To do this, IRT SystemX and its partners are exploring mathematical approaches coupled with a system engineering approach so as to ensure digital continuity between the various design tools, from system modeling to simulation.

Expected results

  • Define a new mathematical formalism for design margins in complex systems;
  • Demonstrate the contribution of agile methods in the organisation of Simulation-Based Design.

Implemented skills

Data science and AI
Scientific computation
Systems engineering and software design

Targeted markets

  • Aeronautics;
  • Automobile

Badge Industry of the future
Industry of the future
Project Status:État du projet : Completed
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
Airbus DPS - Digital Product Simulation Groupe PSA PHIMECA Engineering Renault Sherpa Engineering Siemens Valeo
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
Project Manager(s)Chef(s) de projet
Mouadh Yagoubi


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