Project description

Going further in the use of digital simulation to demonstrate the safety of the particular autonomous vehicle.

The use of simulation for the demonstration of autonomous vehicle safety is an essential complement to physical validation (tests on benches, tracks and roads) in order to ensure a safe behaviour of the vehicle in the multitude of situations it faces. At the heart of the 3SA project is the study of methods and tools for the simulation of autonomous driving systems, the modeling of sensors, the provision of a scenario library, the development of a method for analyzing the results of simulations and the constitution of a methodological reference.

Launched in 2019 for a period of 4 years, the project 3SA (Simulation for the Safety of Systems in Autonomous Vehicles), which is an extension of the SVA project, aims to go further in the use of digital simulation for demonstrate the safety of the particular autonomous vehicle.

Expected results

  • Provide Simulation-based tools and methods, to demonstrate the safety of the autonomous vehicle;
  • Study the technical problem of sensor modeling: camera, radar, lidar and navigation;
  • Continue the activity of building a library of shared scenarios to sustain it;
  • Provide tools and criteria for exploiting simulation test results.

Implemented skills

Data science and AI
Systems engineering and software design
Safety of critical systems

Targeted markets

  • Autonomous vehicle


  • « Modélisation comportement des conducteurs dans un trafic mixte » – Daniel Cisneros Lombera avec le Laboratoire d’Automatique, de Mécanique, d’Informatique industrielles et Humaines (LAMIH) de l’Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
  •  « Génération d’oracle automatique » – Shangyuan Zhang avec le Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI) de l’Université Paris-Saclay

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Badge Mobility and autonomous transport
Mobility and autonomous transport
Project Status:État du projet : Launched
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
Apsys AVsimulation Expleo PSA Oktal-SE Renault SECTOR Group Valeo
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
Project Manager(s)Chef(s) de projet
Vincent Honnet


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