Press contact

Marion Molina / Claire Flin
Tél. : 06 29 11 52 08 / 06 95 41 95 90
marionmolinapro[at] / clairefline[at]

Seminar@SystemX with Pierre Colombo

Seminar@SystemX with Pierre Colombo

Resume Biography Registration Pierre Colombo (CentraleSupélec - will run a Seminar@SystemX on the topic "Advancing ... Read more

[Save the Date] Workshop Cockpit Studio Lab

[Save the Date] Workshop Cockpit Studio Lab

Explorez les défis de la conduite de demain et découvrez Cockpit Studio Lab, la plateforme de simulation et son cockpit immersif. Read more

About IRT SystemX

SystemX is an RTO (Research and Technology Organisation – Institut de Recherche Technologique, IRT), endorsed in 2012 within the framework of the Programme d’investissements d’avenir (PIA – Investment for the Future Program) – henceforth an integral part of the France 2030 programme, dedicated to the digital engineering of systems. In a changing world, in which the mastery of the key technologies of digital transformation will be at the heart of the systems of the future, the institute deploys the full potential of research on these technologies to shape a safer, more efficient and sustainable world. 

In line with the objectives of the France 2030 programme, SystemX operates structural research programmes that create value on the scale of society by answering the major challenges of digitization and decarbonation. These programmes foster collaboration between a wide range of industrial partners (big companies, mid-cap companies, SMEs and start-ups), as well as academic and institutional partners, and promote multidisciplinarity and cross-fertilisation between different sectors.

At the heart of Paris-Saclay and the Lyon Region, SystemX strives to lift key scientific and technological barriers to the benefit of 5 priority sectors of application:

  • Mobility and Autonomous Transport,
  • Industry of the Future,
  • Defence and Security,
  • Environment and Sustainable Development,
  • Digital and Health.

Find our press releases

SystemX is stepping up its work on the use of Augmented Reality in autonomous transportation

The localization and augmented reality (LRA) project is entering its second phase: after demonstrating the interest of using augmented ... Read more

Appointment at IRT SystemX : Cyril Orgelot has been appointed Company Secretary at IRT SystemX

SystemX announced the appointment of Cyril Orgelot as Company Secretary. As a member of the operational management at IRT SystemX, ... Read more

Announcing the winners of the first call for candidates for START@SystemX !

SystemX has announced the winners of its first call for candidates for START@SystemX to launch its first season devoted to ... Read more

SystemX to launch a first project on blockchain and the new associated services and uses

SystemX is to launch a new project on the blockchain, a new technological revolution or “Internet of transactions” which is a new step ... Read more

SystemX raises the stakes in 5G with the launch of STC “Telecommunications and Cloud Services”

SystemX has entered the 5G battle, a major challenge expected by 2020, by launching the Telecommunications and Cloud Services project ... Read more

IRT SystemX board to welcome three new members: Safran, IDnomic and The CoSMo Company

The three new members are respectively represented by Christian Picollet (Assistant Research and Technology Director), Coralie ... Read more

Two new innovation and research experts to join SystemX

SystemX is to welcome two new directors in its operational management.   Patrice Aknin, Scientific Director Patrice Aknin has ... Read more

SystemX launches PST project (Transport System Performances)

SystemX is to launch the PST (Transport Systems Performances) project, which will address two industrial fields:  terrestrial (or ... Read more

SystemX to launch CTI “Cybersecurity for Intelligent Transport”

SystemX is to launch the CTI project to achieve good practices in the fields of automobile, rail transportation and aeronautics. ... Read more

SystemX launches the MSM project focusing on mobility in the Smart City

SystemX launches a new project devoted to understanding travel flows in cities and more particularly within the various districts of ... Read more

SystemX launches START@SystemX, or how start-ups and large groups work together in the service of innovation

At a time when French startups have never been so dynamic and the French Tech launched by the government are meeting with great ... Read more

SystemX and CentraleSupélec to launch the “Anthropolis” chair

The Anthropolis Chair is a research and teaching project focusing on Design of Use-oriented Urban Systems. The main purpose of the ... Read more


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