Meet-up 2019 | PhD Candidates & the Industry

Meet-up 2019 | PhD Candidates & the Industry

IRT SystemX, DataIA convergence institute, the Labex DigiCosme, and the Systematic Paris-Region competitiveness cluster joined forces to create a new meeting, the “meet-up | PhD Candidates & the Industry “, to foster synergies and collaborations...


How will the digital transformation disrupt usage and mobility solutions? What will the mobility of the future look like? What challenges do mobility stakeholders face? What technological and scientific obstacles will have to be tackled? … So many questions that...
Frédéric Cuppens ran a Seminar@SystemX

Frédéric Cuppens ran a Seminar@SystemX

Frédéric Cuppens (IMT Atlantique – Lab-STICC) went to SystemX on September 17, to run a seminar about cyber resilience. Summary La cybersécurité traite des défaillances malveillantes causées par des cyber-attaques. La plupart des technologies de cybersécurité...


Organized by SystemX since 2017, an annual event to highlight the work of its PhD students. On the day, there is a poster exhibition and PhD students present their research in front of an audience. In the style of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, students...
Démo-tour 2

Démo-tour 2

On the occasion of the 2017 edition of Future @ SystemX, the institute proposes to you to design the new digital world.   Through 2 villages: Value creation and Innovation, visitors will be able to discover 26 demonstrations prepared by the teams and partners of...