Fawzi Nashashibi (Research Director, Inria) ran a Seminar@SystemX on the following topic: “Autonomous vehicles navigation: where AI addresses next challenges.”, on March 18, 2021, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
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After a period of enthusiasm vis-à-vis autonomous vehicles and the proliferation of prototypes around the world, many literatures today speak of disappointment after the multitude of accidents observed around the world and the non-existence of the much-promised autonomous mobility services (MaaS). “Artificial Intelligence”, supposed to provide solutions to all problems is singled out, placing the burden of impatience and both technical and institutional inefficiency on AI algorithms.
In this seminar, we will start by recalling the main challenges of the autonomous vehicle: scientific, technical, operational, legal, ethical, logistics, etc. We will then focus on the technical aspect of autonomous navigation through its usual paradigms: perception, decision, planning, control and supervision. We will then discuss AI success stories to address a number of issues before discussing future areas for improvement. Through examples, we will show the results obtained by Inria teams but also by the international community in various fields. We will close the presentation with a review of scientific perspectives in autonomous navigation in connection with AI.
Dr. Fawzi Nashashibi, 54 years, is a Research Director and the Program Manager of RITS Team at INRIA (Paris) since 2010. He has been senior researcher and Program Manager in the robotics center of Mines ParisTech since 1994 and was an R&D engineer and a project manager at ARMINES since May 2000. He was previously a research engineer at PROMIP and a technical manager at Light Co. (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality for multimedia applications and movie).
Fawzi Nashashibi obtained a Master’s Degree in Automation, Industrial Engineering and Signal Processing (LAAS/CNRS) in 1989, a PhD in Robotics from Toulouse University prepared in (LAAS/CNRS) laboratory in 1993, and a HDR Diploma (Accreditation to research supervision) from University of Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) in 2005.
He played key roles in more than 50 European and national French projects some of which he has coordinated. He is also involved in numerous collaborations with French and international academics and industrial partners worldwide; he is also involved in an international Chair.
He is author of more than 200 publications and patents in the field of ITS and ADAS systems. From 1994 to 2016 he was the thesis director and supervisor of ~35 PhD theses, and he was a PhD and HDR jury member of ~70 PhD thesis and HDR committees. He was also member of several laboratories evaluation committees and helped in the evaluation of French and European research projects.
Since 1994 he is also a lecturer in several universities in Paris Region in the fields of image and signal processing, 3D perception, 3D infographics, mobile robotics and programming.
IEEE member, he is also member of the IEEE ITS Society and the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society. He is an Associate Editor of several IEEE international journals conferences such as T-ITS, T-IV, ICRA, IROS, IV, ITSC, ICARCV,… He is also member of the TRB AHB30 committee (Vehicle-Highway Automation).
Since December 2015 Fawzi Nashashibi was the co-founder of AutoKAB, a French spinoff company dedicated to the design and development of automated intelligent mobility systems based on embedded technologies and multi-sensor integrated platforms.