About the event:
For its second edition, the Anthropolis Colloquium showcases our multidisciplinary research outcomes from 2021-2022. Through the eyes of a family and their neighbours, you will discover our vision on how to tackle today and tomorrow’s daily mobility challenges: How much time will we spend in shared autonomous shuttles? Will we be encouraged to walk more with Mobility as a Service? How would different 2030 scenarios impact our way of life? What is our relation to sustainability challenges across local, regional, and national scales? If you wish to know more, join us on 16 September 2022 from 9-17 CEST on the Campus Paris-Saclay!
Free but mandatory registration – In-person attendance recommended, online attendance possible.
Registration: https://xt5b6v03n5o.typeform.com/to/mJ2GEolu
Practical information:
IRT SystemX Moulon (tbc)
Amphitheatre, Bâtiment 660 DIGITEO
Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Zoom (if you register, you receive a link some weeks before the event)