IRT SystemX presents its activity report 2014

IRT SystemX presents its activity report 2014

This handbook reports on the work and highlights of the year 2014. It will allow you to find out more about the progress of the institute’s activities and its significant impact within the Paris-Region ecosystem in the field of digital systems engineering. The primary...
Digiteo Seminar “A theory of Name Resolution”

Digiteo Seminar “A theory of Name Resolution”

Wednesday 3rd, June 2015, 10.30 auditorium Digiteo Moulon Andrew TOLMACH, Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo Chair Abstract Name resolution is pervasive in programming language design and implementation, but it has not received proper attention as an...
SystemX and VEDECOM sign a collaboration convention

SystemX and VEDECOM sign a collaboration convention

The IRT SystemX (Institut de Recherche Technologique) and the ITE VEDECOM (Institut pour la Transition Energétique) signed a collaboration convention that aims to help the exchange of their scientifical and technological expertise on the research project on the topic...