by Julie Bernede | Apr 11, 2018 | Event
Vincent Mousseau and Wassila Ouerdane (CentraleSupélec) ran a Seminar@SystemX on April 11, on the following topic: “Interactive Recommendation and Explanation for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis”. Vincent Mousseau and Wassila Ouerdane (CentraleSupélec)...
by Julie Bernede | Mar 22, 2018 | Press
For Mobility Season 2’s theme “How to gear transport supply to demand”, SystemX is looking for startups developing passenger count sensing solutions and technologies to improve real-time knowledge of movement or to measure and characterize incidents....
by Aurélie | Mar 21, 2018 | Event
PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV (Palaiseau)! PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV...
by Julie Bernede | Mar 15, 2018 | Feedback
PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV (Palaiseau)! PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV...
by Aurélie | Mar 13, 2018 | Press
EVAPS (which stands for Eco-mobilité par Véhicules Autonomes sur le territoire de Paris-Saclay), a project supported by ADEME, aims to develop a complete, intelligent, on-demand, driverless electric transport service to serve the Plateau de Saclay area on a permanent...
by Julie Bernede | Mar 6, 2018 | Press
The creation of the Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies (BART) joint research initiative, a first in the blockchain field in France, has been concretised by a three-year renewable framework agreement. The creation of the Blockchain Advanced Research &...