Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th

Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th

Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th on the following topic : « Protection de la vie privée : potentiel et paradoxe du Cloud Personnel ». Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th on the following topic : « Protection de la vie privée...
Feedback on IRT Forum 2018

Feedback on IRT Forum 2018

On October 11, IRT Saint Exupéry hosted the 6th IRT Forum in Toulouse. Each year, this event brings together IRTs’ academic and industrial partners and stakeholders of French innovation. On October 11, IRT Saint Exupéry hosted the 6th IRT Forum in Toulouse. Each...
IRT Forum 2018

IRT Forum 2018

The FIT association (French Institutes of Technology) organises the Forum of the IRT, the national demonstration which gathers 8 IRT to present their results and their major success in front of their partners, their supervision, the institutional and the collaborators...