by Julie Bernede | Mar 12, 2019 | Documentation
Industry is a privileged ecosystem of technological innovation. At the strategic level, the industrial fabric plays a decisive role in a country’s sovereignty and economic and energy independence. Industry is a privileged ecosystem of technological innovation....
by Julie Bernede | Feb 25, 2019 | Distinction
Danya Bachir joined SystemX in 2016 to complete a thesis dedicated to the estimation of urban mobility with the mobile network geolocation data mining. She revisits her doctorate carried out within the project “Modeling of Solutions of Mobility” (MSM) of...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Feb 20, 2019 | Event
Stéphane Espié (IFSTTAR) and Samir Bouaziz (SATIE – Université Paris-Saclay) ran a seminar at IRT SystemX on the following topic « Outils pour l’étude des comportements des conducteurs, des véhicules et de leurs sous-systèmes » . Stéphane Espié (IFSTTAR)...
by Julie Bernede | Feb 11, 2019 | Distinction
Ouail Al Maghraoui joined SystemX in 2016 to work on a thesis dedicated to the modelling of the traveller experience for the design of urban mobility. He revisits his doctorate that was done within the Anthropolis chair supported by SystemX and CentraleSupélec. Ouail...
by Julie Bernede | Jan 29, 2019 | Event
Organized annually by the Consumer Electronics Association in Las Vegas, the Consumer Electronics Show is the largest trade show dedicated to technological innovation in consumer electronics. On January 29th, from 6pm to 9pm, the Living Things think tank, led by Cap...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Jan 24, 2019 | Event
The “Complex Systems Engineering” Chair and IRT SystemX receive Arvind Easwaran from theNanyang Technological University to run a seminar on the following topic « Towards Assured Autonomy for Safety-Critical CPS » . The “Complex Systems Engineering” Chair and IRT...