by Julie Bernede | Jun 6, 2018 | Event
Etienne Côme (GRETTIA – Ifsttar) ran a Seminar@SystemX on June 6 on the following topic: “Analyse exploratoire de traces numériques de mobilité. Quelques résultats sur les systèmes de vélos en libre service et de transports en commun”. Etienne...
by Julie Bernede | May 23, 2018 | Event
For the first time in the history of Paris-Saclay, all those involved in innovation, research, science and economic development have come together to cast a spotlight on the technological innovations and scientific achievements that are made here every day....
by Julie Bernede | May 3, 2018 | Event
Grégoire Allaire (École polytechnique) ran a Seminar@SystemX on May 3 on the following topic: “Taking into account additive manufacturing constraints in topology optimization of structures”. Grégoire Allaire (École polytechnique) ran a Seminar@SystemX on...
by Julie Bernede | Apr 11, 2018 | Event
Vincent Mousseau and Wassila Ouerdane (CentraleSupélec) ran a Seminar@SystemX on April 11, on the following topic: “Interactive Recommendation and Explanation for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis”. Vincent Mousseau and Wassila Ouerdane (CentraleSupélec)...
by Aurélie | Mar 21, 2018 | Event
PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV (Palaiseau)! PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV...
by Julie Bernede | Feb 26, 2018 | Event
The International Workshop on Blockchains and Smart Contracts (BSC), organized by Elyes Ben Hamida (BST project) within the framework of the “IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (IFIP NTMS)”, will take place from 26...