Seminar@SystemX – Frédérique P

Seminar@SystemX – Frédérique P

Frédérique Pain, Director of Innovation and Research at Strate ran a Seminar@SystemX on April 15 from 1:00pm to 2:40pm in SystemX’s premises on the following topics: « Design et innovation »....
CSD&M 2015

CSD&M 2015

Designing complex industrial systems is a strategic challenge for industries. The conference “Complex Systems Design & Management” (CSD&M) has become THE international meeting point for academic and industrial people working on complex industrial...
Digiteo Seminar “A theory of Name Resolution”

Digiteo Seminar “A theory of Name Resolution”

Wednesday 3rd, June 2015, 10.30 auditorium Digiteo Moulon Andrew TOLMACH, Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo Chair Abstract Name resolution is pervasive in programming language design and implementation, but it has not received proper attention as an...