by Aurélie | Feb 6, 2017 | Event
There were over 100 participants on February 22 2017 at IRT SystemX to examine our PhD students’ research. Autonomous vehicles, digital simulation, multimodal transportation, cybersecurity, Smart City, mobility, energy, Blockchain etc, were all present at the first...
by Aurélie | Jan 19, 2017 | Event
Philippe Leray, Professor of University / Univ. Nantes / LINA UMR 6241 / Equipe DUKe, ran a Seminar@SystemX on January 19 at IRT SystemX (Bâtiment 863, Salle Bienvenüe (2ème étage)) on the subject « Advances in Learning with Bayesian Networks ». Read...
by Aurélie | Dec 15, 2016 | Event
Jean-Patrick Lebacque, general engineer of Ponts et Chaussées, Director of GRETTIA ran a Seminar@SystemX on December 15 in SystemX’s premises on the following topic: « Évolution des systèmes de transports, évolution de la modélisation macroscopique du trafic »....
by Aurélie | Dec 13, 2016 | Event
Register to the 7th conference on complex systems design & management – CSD&M 2016 Dec. 13-14, 2016 – Parc Floral de Vincennes (Vincennes – Paris, FR)Register to the 7th conference on complex systems design & management – CSD&M 2016...
by Aurélie | Nov 4, 2016 | Event
Laurent Fribourg ran a Seminar@SystemX on November 4 in SystemX’s premises on the following topic: « Quelques avancées récentes dans la synthèse de contrôle d’automates hybrides »....
by Aurélie | Apr 29, 2016 | Event
Jean-Louis Giavitto, researcher at the CNRS ran a Seminar@SystemX on April 29, from 1:00 pm to 2:30pm in SystemX’s premises on the following topics: « Systèmes cyber-temporels : accorder le temps de l’homme et de la machine dans les systèmes multimedia...