by Kristina PUZOVIC | Feb 20, 2019 | Event
Stéphane Espié (IFSTTAR) and Samir Bouaziz (SATIE – Université Paris-Saclay) ran a seminar at IRT SystemX on the following topic « Outils pour l’étude des comportements des conducteurs, des véhicules et de leurs sous-systèmes » . Stéphane Espié (IFSTTAR)...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Jan 24, 2019 | Event
The “Complex Systems Engineering” Chair and IRT SystemX receive Arvind Easwaran from theNanyang Technological University to run a seminar on the following topic « Towards Assured Autonomy for Safety-Critical CPS » . The “Complex Systems Engineering” Chair and IRT...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Jan 24, 2019 | Event
Pavlos Moraitis (LIPADE-Paris Descartes University) ran a seminar on January 24th, 2019 at IRT SystemX, at Nano-Innov, on the following topic « On the Use of Computational Argumentation for Real World Applications ». Pavlos Moraitis (LIPADE-Paris Descartes University)...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Nov 30, 2018 | Event
Balázs Kégl (Université Paris-Saclay) ran a Seminar@SystemX on December 19th on the following topic « Machine learning in scientific workflows ». Balázs Kégl (CNRS) ran a Seminar@SystemX on December 19th on the following topic « Machine learning in scientific...
by Kristina PUZOVIC | Nov 28, 2018 | Event
IRT SystemX and the “Complex Systems Engineering” Chair had the honor to receive René Amalberti from the Academy of Technologies to run a seminar on the following topic « Le pilotage de la sécurité : l’apport des modèles systémiques… pour aller...