CSD&M Paris 2018

CSD&M Paris 2018

The 9th conference “Complex Systems Design & Management” will take place at the Cité Internationale Universitaire, in Paris on December 18-19, 2018. This international meeting point, key event for the systems engineering community, will focus this year...
Transformation numérique des Jeux 2024

Transformation numérique des Jeux 2024

Le Pôle Systematic Paris-Region, Plaine Commune, Solideo et Mov’eo organisent un évènement dédié aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques 2024, « Transformation numérique des Jeux 2024 :  plus vite, plus haut, plus fort », le 11 décembre au Stade de France. Cette...
CSD&M Asia 2018

CSD&M Asia 2018

The conference Complex Systems Design & Management is an international 2-day conference dedicated to all Asia-Pacific academic, industrial and governmental actors working on complex systems modelling and engineering. For its third edition from December 6 to 7 in...