by Aurélie | Oct 24, 2018 | Event
Organized each year by the Systematic Paris-Region, the JAP (Ambition SME Day) is the meeting place dedicated to entrepreneurs who wish to develop their network, capture new trends, benefit from advice on all the levers of growth of companies and especially doing...
by Aurélie | Oct 18, 2018 | Event
Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th on the following topic : « Protection de la vie privée : potentiel et paradoxe du Cloud Personnel ». Philippe Pucheral ran a Seminar@SystemX on October 18th on the following topic : « Protection de la vie privée...
by Aurélie | Sep 24, 2018 | Press
SystemX launches its first research project in Singapore for a period of 48 months in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities. SystemX launches its first research...
by Aurélie | Mar 21, 2018 | Event
PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV (Palaiseau)! PhD students from SystemX and VEDECOM invite you to (re)discover their PhD work on March 21 2018, at 1.30 pm at Nano-INNOV...
by Aurélie | Mar 13, 2018 | Press
EVAPS (which stands for Eco-mobilité par Véhicules Autonomes sur le territoire de Paris-Saclay), a project supported by ADEME, aims to develop a complete, intelligent, on-demand, driverless electric transport service to serve the Plateau de Saclay area on a permanent...