Tomorrow’s vehicles will be connected and communicating with their environment. This automobile revolution has led to significant digital security and trust needs, which our ISE project is addressing by setting up an infrastructure to manage ITS cooperative system security.
On November 17 2016, the Microsoft Azure international research competition awarded a 20 000 $ prize to Pierpaolo Cincilla, a research engineer working in the ISE project (ITS Security). This prize will help finance the project’s research into security of ITS cooperative systems.
Awarded annually, the Microsoft Azure prizes acknowledge innovative research projects in the field of IoT and data management.
As a result, the team will carry out dynamic sizing tests on ITS cooperative systems, using Microsoft’s Cloud platform, Azure. The goal is to optimize the sizing of the trust infrastructure’s servers, depending on the volume of requests from embedded stations.
In 2016, the ISE project already received the Amazon Web Services prize along with a subsidy, which gave it access to the ideal environment for testing large scale deployment of its trust infrastructure and enabled it to gain the capacity to distribute billions of digital identities to ITS embedded stations.