OpenAltaRica will put to disposition to industrials and academics tools, libraries and processes of modelisation for the riskanalysis of complex systems.
The OpenAltaRica project aims to establish an implementation of open source references of tools and methods for the analysis of risk of complex systems (planes, trains, nuclear power plants, etc…) based on AltaRica 3.0 a high level modelisation language.
Beyond the creation of the platform, with its tools for the design and the processing of the AltaRica 3.0 model, OpenAltaRica responds to two scientifical and technological challenges:
- Augment the productivity of the modelisation process. To make the exploitation more efficient, the OpenAltaRica platform will have libraries for component models and the schematics of modelisation; but also educational content (training support, Q&A, etc…)
- To simplify the integration of analysis of risk with the other engineering activities of complex systems keeping in mind that that each domain has its own formalism for modelisation. The platform will include the tools the enable the use of models that come from different engineering disciplines (physical architecture analysis, functional, etc…).