Antoine Rauzy, Professeur à la Norwegian University of Science and Technology, viendra dans les locaux de SystemX (bâtiment 862, amphithéâtre 34) pour animer un Seminar@SystemX le 16 novembre prochain de 10h00 à 11h30 sur le thème « Six theses for Model-Based Systems Engineering and Model-Based Safety Assessment ».


We entered the era of model-based systems engineering. Each industrial system comes with dozens, if not hundreds, of models. Therefore, models must be taken seriously and considered as first class citizens. The emerging science of complex systems is the science of models.
This presents a number of challenges:

  • Better understand the nature of models and their roles in industrial processes;
  • Develop the “Art of Modeling” in each engineering discipline;
  • Manage models throughout the life cycle of systems;
  • Design tools and methods to support the integration of engineering disciplines/processes through the integration of models they produce; and,
  • Teach and motivate an appreciation of modeling to (future) engineers.

Meeting these challenges is not possible without solid conceptual foundations. In this talk, we present six theses to organize the discussion about foundations, with a focus on two engineering disciplines — system architecture and safety analysis — and the interactions of these two disciplines.​


Antoine B. Rauzy has currently a full professor position at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway). He is also the head of the chair Blériot-Fabre, sponsored by the group SAFRAN, at CentraleSupélec (Paris, France). During his career, he moved forth and back from academia to industry, being notably researcher at French National Centrer for Scientific Research (CNRS), associate professor at Universities of Bordeaux and Marseille, professor at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Centrale Paris, CEO of the start-up company ARBoost Technologies he founded, and director of the R&D department on Systems Engineering at Dassault Systemes. Antoine B. Rauzy got his PhD in 1989 and his tenure (habilitation à diriger des recherches) in 1996, both in computer science. He works in the reliability engineering field for more than 20 years. He extended his research topics to systems engineering more recently. He published over 150 articles in international conferences and journals. He is on the advisory boards of several international conferences and journals. He renewed mathematical foundations and designed state-of-the-art algorithms of probabilistic safety/risk assessment. Alone or with his students and collaborators, he developed safety/risk assessment software that are daily used in industry.

He is also the main designer of the AltaRica modeling language and the scientific advisor of the Open-AltaRica project (IRT SystemX). He managed numerous collaborations between academia and industry, in Europe, in US and in Japan, and has been the adviser of twelve PhD theses.

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